Authentic Living
Authentic Living
Roxanne provides an empowering and supportive space for everyone to listen and engage in thought provoking conversations about everyday life with real people who have a passion for living life to the fullest.
Roxanne Derhodge

Jan and Jillian on being identical twins in psychology, workplace conflict, and their book 'The Boundary Badas'

S2 E188 • May 9, 2024 • 27 mins

Roxanne sits down with Jan and Jillian, identical twins with a background in psychology, to discuss their insights on family dynamics, resolving workplace disputes, and managing challenging personalities. They also delve into their book "The Boundary Badas", explore gender disparities in conflict resolution, and share strategies for dealing with difficult employees.

Key Points

  • Effective conflict resolution in the workplace involves assessing situations without assumptions, using discovery questions to understand perspectives, and avoiding why questions which can put people on the defensive.
  • Unresolved childhood wounds and ego-driven behaviors often manifest in workplace conflicts, requiring individuals to operate from a heart-centered place and align with their values for healthier professional relationships.
  • Setting boundaries is crucial for mutual respect in conflict resolution; it's about negotiating solutions based on shared values rather than issuing ultimatums or demands.
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